Definition: In the pocket
Definition: When a wave isn't hollow enough and doesn't benefit from a wall or shoulder, it's a question of staying in the pocket. In other words, you stay inside the wave, in the...
Definition: When a wave isn't hollow enough and doesn't benefit from a wall or shoulder, it's a question of staying in the pocket. In other words, you stay inside the wave, in the...
Definition: The cutback is the reference maneuver for gaining speed when the shoulder is not long enough. It consists of forming an 8 in the water. The first step is to climb to the top of the wave, before returning to the bottom...
Definition: The cross-shore wind is a side wind (from left to right or right to left) which in some cases will slightly improve the wave, or degrade it, depending on the direction and intensity of the wind.
Definition: Duck diving is the technique used to pass under the wave. It involves using a small board with low buoyancy. You'll have to stretch out your arms to make the nose of the board pass under the wave...
Definition: A closeout is simply a wave that closes all at once. As a result, it's impossible to surf, so you can only head straight out to sea.
Definition: "Carve" is simply the term used to describe a maneuver or turn in surfing. Coming from the term "carving", it's the simplest turn in surfing that will form an elipse in...
Definition: The bottom turn is one of the crucial maneuvers in surfing, consisting of the compression of the legs and the turn at the bottom of the wave to climb back up to the top of the wave. It's just as important as the...
Definition: The bonzer is a 5-fin surfboard with a large central fin and 4 smaller fins, often triangular in shape.
Definition: A board is simply the term used to define a surfboard. The word is also used for the various disciplines of "board culture".
Definition: A beach break is a type of wave with a sandy bottom. These waves are often more capricious and depend on the tide, the current, the wind, the bottom, and so on. These are the waves we find...