Samuel Rosemain

Samuel Rosemain

Born in the hustle and bustle of Paris, Samuel Rosemain first explored the city on his skateboard. His life changed at the age of 13, when he moved to Martinique. Between the waves of La Caravelle in Tartane and the hidden spots of Sainte-Marie, he discovered his new passion: surfing. After five years at sea, Samuel turned to marketing while staying close to the ocean. He created Surf Tribe, a website merging his career and his passion for surfing, offering a platform for knowledge and sharing about the sport and its culture. Because surfing is above all a tribe!

Definition : Re-entry

Definition: The re-entry is a maneuver in which the surfer attacks the lip of the wave and then is actually sent back down the wave by the lip. So there's a moment of real suspension on the way out...

Definition : Pig Dog

Definition: Pig-dogging is a surfing technique used to wedge into backside tubes. It involves standing in a crouched position and grazing the rail with the back hand to stabilize your trajectory.

Definition: Impact zone

Definition: The impact zone is where waves break at maximum power. Surfers must therefore avoid it and cross it to reach the line-up. It can be risky, depending on the size and power of the waves.

Definition : Wipeout

Definition: A wipeout is a violent or very violent fall or loss of control while riding a wave. It can be spectacular and is part of the learning and experience of surfing.

Definition : Wax

Definition: Wax is a wax applied to the top of the board to improve the grip of the feet. It is essential to prevent the surfer from slipping off the board and can vary according to the temperature of the...

Definition: Volume

Definition: The volume of a surfboard, measured in liters, determines its buoyancy. A higher volume helps lift and facilitates paddling, particularly useful for beginners, intermediates or advanced surfers in small waves...

Definition : Twin fin

Definition: A twin-fin board is a board with two fins. This design offers a smoother, freer surfing experience, with better gliding ability and fluid maneuvers. There is no centerboard, which...

Definition : Tube

Definition: The tube, or barrel, is a maneuver in which the surfer slides inside the cavity of a hollow wave. It's one of the most emblematic and sought-after maneuvers in surfing, offering a unique experience and, above all,...

Definition : Tricks

Definition: Tricks are special maneuvers or figures performed by surfers to demonstrate their skills. They include jumps, rotations and other complex movements on the waves.