Definition : Foam

Dernière mise à jour le 24 December 2023

Definition: Foam is the foam from waves that have already broken. It's the ideal place to start surfing and to work on your balance and first steps. take-off.

Mosses can be found on almost any type of surface. spotlightsBut some are more important than others for their background, population of surfers on site, practicality, length of foam, etc...

Samuel Rosemain
Samuel Rosemain

Born in the hustle and bustle of Paris, Samuel Rosemain first explored the city on his skateboard. His life changed at the age of 13, when he moved to Martinique.

Between the waves of La Caravelle in Tartane and the hidden spots of Sainte-Marie, he discovered his new passion: surfing.

After five years at sea, Samuel turned to marketing while staying close to the ocean. He created Surf Tribe, a website merging his career and his passion for surfing, offering a platform for knowledge and sharing about the sport and its culture.

Because surfing is above all a tribe!

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